What is Research and Development (R&D)?
Seems like the answer should be simple… I mean just look at the name! The
simple answer is, it’s the investigation of business activities to improve or
create products and/or procedures.
R&D events can be an internal operation
or outsourced to specialists. Many small business owners take advantage of
outsourcing R&D work because they lack knowledge of design and engineering
for their new-found concepts. R&D activities
vary from industry to
industry, but they always contain these three steps:
1. Basic
Research – The exploration to obtain a more complete understanding of
fundamental aspects of a concept.
2. Applied
Research – The investigation of methods to obtain specific objectives regarding
product or processes.
3. Development
Research – The examination of the implementation of research knowledge and
designs for production.
There is no guarantee to the outcome of
R&D. Many companies spend a large amount of money on research and
development activities and never realize a return on their investment. Some
companies utilize R&D with the knowledge that they will not immediately
profit, but instead focus on the long-term profitability. How much is
spent on R&D isn’t a measure of success, rather, it is the balance between
technical risk and market risk, all of which need proper investment and
management. Forbes uses this equation to model the success of research and
development: innovation = invention + customer value + business
There are many factors that contribute to the
decision of whether to pursue R&D. The following are the top four:
1. Proprietariness
– Is the nature of the research unique such that it can be protected through
patents or non-disclosure agreements? Having that level of protection makes
R&D much more valuable.
2. Timing –
Starting R&D is best when the market for the product is slow or moderate in
3. Risk – R&D
is a high-risk activity. Lowering the risk could mean acquiring the research to
produce marketable products or processes.
4. Cost –
Expenses for R&D activities can be very costly and produce a negative cash
flow before returning a profit. In the next article, I will discuss how much
and what is spent on Research and Development.
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