As engineers, we assist CPAs, Tax Professionals and their clients.

Lindon Engineering Services

Lindon Engineering Services is an engineering cost analysis business with an emphasis on cost segregation analysis and asset disposition studies for all types of commercial businesses throughout the United States.

Business Solution Services

Cost Segregation is a method for a business to increase their short-term cash flow by deferring their tax liability in favor of accelerated depreciation on qualified assets.

Cost Segregation Analysis

Cost Segregation is a method for a business to increase their short-term cash flow by deferring their tax liability in favor of accelerated depreciation on qualified assets.

Asset Disposition

The release of the September 2013 IRS tangible property regulations (TD9636) under Sections 162(a) 263(a) has changed the manner in which the residual basis of existing assets is handled following removal on a remodeling project.

Construction Cost Control

One of the more difficult tasks we encounter with cost segregation studies is determining and reconciling the total cost of the facility whose cost we are trying to distribute.

Showing posts with label TaxConsulting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TaxConsulting. Show all posts

Is It Worth It To Conduct A Cost Segregation Analysis?

In this article, we mentioned about Cost segregation study, which is a tax technique that helps property owners who have purchased, built, or leased land or real property to decrease their payable tax by allowing the property to perform a segregation review. The study practice may turn 1250 lands (non-residential property) or residential lands (depreciation of 27.5 years) into 1245 lands (real tangible assets), which will increase the depreciation of both the internal and external elements of the land over 5, 7 or 15 years.

As a result, the tax rate of the landowner will be decreased, and assets can be depreciated at a faster rate than the traditional simple depreciation limits and improve their profitability. Let’s learn more about the purpose of a cost segregation study in-depth.

Factors To Consider When Deciding On A Cost Segregation Partner

This article focuses on how to choose cost segregation partners to minimize tax liabilities. A CPA needs to collaborate with cost segregation partners to study special tax incentives. It is possible with the help of a Cost segregation provider who guides CPAs by working on cash incentives vital to the process. A professional tax expert needs to understand the resulting benefits and face the IRS checks by partnering with the right strategic partners. In performing due diligence in the tax process, it is essential to ensure that the client gains every benefit they deserve in compliance with IRS standards. In this blog, the focus is on choosing a partner specializing in cost segregation services and their benefits.

The Ins And Outs of Cost Segregation

When developing, getting, or restoring real estate, most taxpayers exceed the amount of a 39-year-old real property. It restricts the depreciation deduction available to all the taxpayers during the initial stages of their ventures. You can solve this problem by getting in touch with the leading Cost Segregation firms, as they will maximize private property and optimize the depreciation deduction. By doing so, it will provide you with tangible cash flow advantages. You can perform the cost segregation studies on recently constructed properties, and it also constrains newly gained buildings to a cost dissociation study no matter the age. Taking the best cost segregation companies' services will help plan the assets that can be reclassified according to the purpose or usage.

The Difference between Depreciable Assets and Fixed Assets

This blog gives you the information on the difference between fixed and depreciable assets as essential types of assets based on the value they have for the firm in the long run. The term 'Fixed assets' is used in contrast with current assets that are not used in the firm's regular transactions. They, therefore, aid the production of the firm either directly or indirectly. They may have an appreciating value; however, they also have a depreciating value. Those fixed assets that have depreciating value are called depreciating assets, which adds to the firm's financial loss. Therefore, depreciating assets are a part of fixed assets. Intellectual property is a fixed intangible asset and may appreciate or depreciate.

Obtain construction cost control via cost segregation analysis and asset disposition studies

As a contractor in the construction industry, you would want to develop full-fledged facilities in reasonable time and cost, while keeping the quality high. If you want to save the maximum possible costs while meeting your project's objectives, then construction cost control is what you need. We have been providing various cost control services over the past 15 years at Lindon Engineering Services. Our expert services include cost segregation analysis and asset disposition studies, etc. We incorporate the best and proven methods to manage the construction cost of your project. Often, constructors face problems like lost invoices, incorrect cost descriptions, poor recording methods, etc. It all leads to significant losses in the construction process. That's why we have come up with solutions to address all those issues. By leveraging our well-engineered cost segregation service and other business solutions, you can make substantial cost savings in your project. Additionally, you also get improved cash flow and reduced taxes.

6 Practical Ways to Improve Your Cost Management

When it comes to running a company successfully, careful budgeting forms an essential part of it. When you plan a project within the given resources and time, it’s simply exceptional. Conversely, when you cannot do that, it can prevent you from doing an impeccable project, often leading to dire consequences. The only way to this is by improving the cost management of your construction cost management company judiciously. Well, you can certainly do that if you adhere to the six most popular cost management strategies. The first strategy includes conducting a WBS session with your in-house team, effectually. Next, you should always ask for estimates from your workers, followed by the making of a contingency reserve. Then, you should evaluate and identify the costs of some unknown risks and subsequently execute a change control process. Finally, you should compare your regular prices with your budget’s intended expenses and rectify the errors accordingly.

6 Tips on How to Help Improve Cash Flow in Small Business

Improve Short Term Cash Flow
Do you ever face a shortage of cash flow in the business? It happens because most of the business owners overlook the inflows and outflows of cash and do not keep track of the same. If you do the same, you are inviting difficult times to embrace you in the future. Business owners also end up confusing profit or revenue generation with cash flow. When you are doing business, you need to know the difference between the two. It can so happen that you end up making profits more than the set target but end up with unsteady cash flow? Why does this happen? It could happen due to various reasons such as delay in payments by the customers, not keeping track of the expenses, an increase in operation costs, etc, this list is never-ending. It's time you tighten your belt and look for ways to improve your cash flow. If you are unable to do it yourself, contact Lindon Engineering Services and follow their expert opinion.