As engineers, we assist CPAs, Tax Professionals and their clients.

Lindon Engineering Services

Lindon Engineering Services is an engineering cost analysis business with an emphasis on cost segregation analysis and asset disposition studies for all types of commercial businesses throughout the United States.

Business Solution Services

Cost Segregation is a method for a business to increase their short-term cash flow by deferring their tax liability in favor of accelerated depreciation on qualified assets.

Cost Segregation Analysis

Cost Segregation is a method for a business to increase their short-term cash flow by deferring their tax liability in favor of accelerated depreciation on qualified assets.

Asset Disposition

The release of the September 2013 IRS tangible property regulations (TD9636) under Sections 162(a) 263(a) has changed the manner in which the residual basis of existing assets is handled following removal on a remodeling project.

Construction Cost Control

One of the more difficult tasks we encounter with cost segregation studies is determining and reconciling the total cost of the facility whose cost we are trying to distribute.

Showing posts with label #CostSegregation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #CostSegregation. Show all posts

To improve short term cash flow: Hire Lindon Engineering Services

To improve short term cash flowhiring an expert is quite important. In that case, Lindon Engineering Services is the best company, and you can approach it. By improving the short term cash flow, you can increase the funding position of your business. By determining the position of cash flow, the optimum cash flow position of a company can be determined. Being able to improve the cash flow rate, a lot of improvements can be made. These improvements are enabling to improve the buyer’s relationship, improving supplier relationships, funds to increase the revenue and sales. It helps the company in a competitive world and also helps in developing more growth opportunities. It is also a secret weapon for many companies. Lindon Engineering Services not only helps in improving short term cash flow but also in asset disposition, estimation of costs, and many more things. If you wish to avail of their service, you can give a call to them.

Three Biggest Surprises Of R & D Tax Credit

R and D Tax Credits
The tax credit laws have changed many times, but very recently, the rules have been made permanent in the Protecting American from Tax Hikes Act of 2015. Many different companies can claim tax credits and have immense amounts of profits. So there have been three surprises for businesses that will help them claim the tax credit. The process improvement counts if your company has a marvelous internal process, then you can request for the R & D tax credits. Any industry can claim for the R & D tax credit, but they must be US-based. Even start-ups can request under the PATH Act of 2015, but they need to show some receipts for that. These are the three surprises in the new acts made in regards to R & D tax credit.

Could a Cost Segregation Study Save Your Company Taxes?

Cost Segregation Companies

Everybody loves to earn more cash, and in the real estate business, this seems essential. It is quite challenging to maintain oneself in the real estate market at present because there are so many portals for the government to charge you with taxes. But there is a way in which you can save a significant amount of taxes, which is the study of cost segregation. Cost segregation is a study where the tangible and real property’s depreciation is increased, which will result in increased tax deductions. It means that you will save a lot of money. It will also help you expand your business considerably because you will increase the cash influx by lowering the property tax liability. It is how the study of cost segregation in cost segregation companies helps real estate businesses in saving tax money.

Are you looking to increase your cash flow then take a look at the Lindon Engineering Services?

If you are thinking of increasing your cash flow, then the best company that you must approach is Lindon Engineering Services. Even a top rank company can come across a certain situation where he needs to increase the cash flow of your business. The Professionals from the service will help you in overcoming the problem. Pre-planning in the initial stage will help in saving a lot of your money. The cost segregation study will help in reclassifying the building components, starting from the improvements in the land to the real as well as to the personal property. They have their method of qualifying, identifying, and estimating the value of the place. It will help in determining the amount that is required. To get an estimate, it is always recommended to contact them.

Things you need to know about asset disposition studies

Asset Disposition studies
Asset disposition is a process of trading a particular asset. Asset Disposition studies gives you an idea of reusing the equipments and recycling the equipments to produce less waste. The e-waste which is generated from these equipments can be used for various prototypes. Even smart phones are also used to make various school projects and prototype of many structures. Sometimes people try to discard of laptop or smart phone which has very little problems such as crack on the screen or functional problem or the camera is not working. These equipments if provided to ITAD can be recycled and combined together and used for a long period of time. These equipments can also be handed over to some charity house or NGOs. There are lots of companies which work on making appliances repairable and long lasting.

5 signs that you're ready to focus on your cost segregation calculator

Focus on Cost Segregation Calculator
Cost segregation is a method to recognize and determine the value of the building component. The Focus on Cost Segregation Calculator will help you to increase your short term cash flow increase and reducing your tax liabilities. This method helps construction business to increase the efficiency of any particular asset. This study is carried out to reclassify building components which needs a makeover to increase its life. Pre-planning in cost segregation calculation will help you to save yourself from unexpected expenses. The main purpose of cost segregation is to determine personal property, land improvements, building or structures, etc. It also helps the commercial real estate’s to delay the payment of their income tax. Cost segregation study needs detailed engineering, survey or letter, blue prints, property maps, sampling, etc.

All you need to know about the asset disposition protocols

Asset Disposition
The calculation of residual basis of an existing asset after removal on remodeling project has undergone drastic changes. Under the new protocols of September 2013 IRS tangible property regulations, now the value of the written off assets can be calculated under abandoned components. Take benefit from this update and conform to the IRS laws by hiring a competent expert from Lindon Engineering Services. Our experts have conceptualized and rolled out our own procedure for identifying, quantifying and estimating the cost of the removed 39-year property. This way the clients get an extra write-off in line with the value of the abandoned assets (after subtracting the accrued depreciation). They will also help with removing the barriers to determining the real cost of the abandoned components. With the help of the construction drawings including a set of the demolition plans, the most recent depreciation schedules of the facility and the contractor’s final pay application, they can compute an estimate of the removed assets in a logical way.