As engineers, we assist CPAs, Tax Professionals and their clients.

Lindon Engineering Services

Lindon Engineering Services is an engineering cost analysis business with an emphasis on cost segregation analysis and asset disposition studies for all types of commercial businesses throughout the United States.

Business Solution Services

Cost Segregation is a method for a business to increase their short-term cash flow by deferring their tax liability in favor of accelerated depreciation on qualified assets.

Cost Segregation Analysis

Cost Segregation is a method for a business to increase their short-term cash flow by deferring their tax liability in favor of accelerated depreciation on qualified assets.

Asset Disposition

The release of the September 2013 IRS tangible property regulations (TD9636) under Sections 162(a) 263(a) has changed the manner in which the residual basis of existing assets is handled following removal on a remodeling project.

Construction Cost Control

One of the more difficult tasks we encounter with cost segregation studies is determining and reconciling the total cost of the facility whose cost we are trying to distribute.

Showing posts with label ConstructionEstimate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ConstructionEstimate. Show all posts

Simplify All Your Construction Cost Management with Lindon Engineering Services

Almost all of us have to face the trouble of encountering construction cost management. It becomes variably challenging to determine and reconcile the total cost of the facility whose price we are trying to distribute. Sometimes we tend to lose out on invoices and have difficulty understanding cost descriptions. But now, with Lindon Engineering Services right by your side, you have nothing to worry about.

Our experts and professionals have previously encountered this kind of situation. We are well acquainted with the tendencies that cause the cost segregation studies. They are inaccurate totals, erroneous cost descriptions, insufficient information, etc. But we have mastered the device for the service for addressing the deficiencies and providing solutions. Our team efficiently collects all the data costs and maintains them with an engineered format.

We make sure that our experts have the proficiency of maintaining the Cost Summary throughout the entire procedure. We help reduce the administrative tasks, thereby providing accurate cost data in a short time. For further queries regarding construction cost management, feel free to reach out to us.

Meet Lindon Engineering Experts For Reliable Construction Cost Management

When it comes to cost segregation studies, there are many aspects that make the process quite difficult such as missing invoices, incomplete cost descriptions, inaccurate totals, insufficient information, etc. These aspects are a result of various conditions like improperly trained staff, improper knowledge of the construction process, overworked accounting clerks, etc. But, with Lindon Engineering services by your side, you don’t have to worry about anything. We have devised a service that is capable of addressing deficiencies and offers required solutions. We ensure to collect all the required details and maintain them in a summary consistent using the engineered sixteen-division format typically used for cost segregation studies. With our construction cost management program, you can efficiently reduce the costs of administrative tasks and gain accurate and organized construction cost data, therefore shortening the time required for post-construction analysis. So, connect with us today to leverage your business.

Methods For Increasing Cash Flow in The Construction Industry

How often have you heard the phrase "cash is king"? The reason you hear that so often is because it is accurate. A business that regularly loses money and has negative cash flow is destined to collapse. The answer is to create positive cash flow on a monthly basis, which will ensure that workers are paid on time and that payments are made on time. While it's clear that income and expenditures should be prioritized, that's a broad statement. Cash flow refers to the movement of cash equivalent funds associated with a particular construction project. The following article discusses multiple strategies like cost segregation analysis which construction and contracting firms may use to increase their short term cash flow.

Get Reliable Engineering Cost Estimation From Lindon Engineering Services

One thing that no business in this world can entertain is arithmetically inaccurate totals, incomplete or erroneous cost descriptions, insufficient information, or even missing invoices. After all, the whole aspect of the business is based on accuracy and sufficient information. And that is where Lindon Engineering Services comes in.

Operating since 2005, Lindon Engineering Services, Inc. provides impeccable Engineering Cost Estimating, analysis, and Facility Management services to both large and small scale businesses. Their incredible staff with years of experience under their belt ensures to provide quality results in each project application. They offer detailed studies that help tax professionals to apply the same in a manner that results in the most efficient and cost-effective tax treatment. They use an engineered sixteen-division format to create streamlined, accurate and organized information that can also be used for cost segregation study. So, give them a call to get a reliable engineering cost estimation from Lindon Engineering services.

Asset Disposition Service Now Available In Jeffersonville

Dealing with removed property can be tough. Since the release of September 2013 IRS tangible property regulations TD9636 under section 162(a) and 263(a), the manner of dealing with the residual basis of existing assets has changed. Ow, the value of removed assets can be written off as abandoned components. Note that this only applies to 39-year real property. Lindon Engineering Services has developed its own unique way of identifying, quantifying and estimating the cost of removed assets. You can realize an additional write off for asset disposition. The Lindon Engineering Services will help you estimate the cost accurately as it can be an extremely arduous task otherwise if the cost of individual components is unknown. They calculate the cost of demolition and removal while reconciling the cost of a project. They use the construction plan, depreciation schedule of the facility and the contractor’s final pay application to draw an estimation. For accurate estimation, contact them now!