As engineers, we assist CPAs, Tax Professionals and their clients.

Lindon Engineering Services

Lindon Engineering Services is an engineering cost analysis business with an emphasis on cost segregation analysis and asset disposition studies for all types of commercial businesses throughout the United States.

Business Solution Services

Cost Segregation is a method for a business to increase their short-term cash flow by deferring their tax liability in favor of accelerated depreciation on qualified assets.

Cost Segregation Analysis

Cost Segregation is a method for a business to increase their short-term cash flow by deferring their tax liability in favor of accelerated depreciation on qualified assets.

Asset Disposition

The release of the September 2013 IRS tangible property regulations (TD9636) under Sections 162(a) 263(a) has changed the manner in which the residual basis of existing assets is handled following removal on a remodeling project.

Construction Cost Control

One of the more difficult tasks we encounter with cost segregation studies is determining and reconciling the total cost of the facility whose cost we are trying to distribute.

Showing posts with label CostAnalyses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CostAnalyses. Show all posts

The Fundamentals of Price and Cost Analyses

This article gives you information on the building cost segregation process and service and the Analysis of Engineering Costs. If you want to save taxes on the property, consider it into the personal property or land improvement. This process lies under the tax code issued by the federal government. The engineering cost segregation process identifies and reclassifies the business property and mitigates depreciation, which eventually lowers the depreciation amount. This way, you save on the income tax. The points covered herein are the service works for every building, it is an affordable service, and it works for new constructions. Besides, it also tells you how to find the right service provider who can help you save in the due process.