It is essential to note that commercial rental property generally depreciates over 39 years, while residential rental property consisting of several housing projects depreciates over 27.5 years. Cost segregation studies are used to reclaim the costs of a building. Items that may qualify for accelerated depreciation include construction costs involved in a drainage system, landscaping, parking lot, carpeting, electrical and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, etc. Cost segregation studies provide analysis and identification of specific construction work necessary to allocate costs to appropriate categories for depreciation purposes. In this blog, the discussion is on the strategies to control construction cost and how cost seg companies in Jeffersonville assist you in the process.
Lindon Engineering Services
Lindon Engineering Services is an engineering cost analysis business with an emphasis on cost segregation analysis and asset disposition studies for all types of commercial businesses throughout the United States.
Business Solution Services
Cost Segregation is a method for a business to increase their short-term cash flow by deferring their tax liability in favor of accelerated depreciation on qualified assets.
Cost Segregation Analysis
Cost Segregation is a method for a business to increase their short-term cash flow by deferring their tax liability in favor of accelerated depreciation on qualified assets.
Asset Disposition
The release of the September 2013 IRS tangible property regulations (TD9636) under Sections 162(a) 263(a) has changed the manner in which the residual basis of existing assets is handled following removal on a remodeling project.
Construction Cost Control
One of the more difficult tasks we encounter with cost segregation studies is determining and reconciling the total cost of the facility whose cost we are trying to distribute.
Cost Segregation Studies: Three Ways to Get The Most Significant Benefit

This article gives you a gist on the cost segregation studies, whom it is ideal for, and the three common ways of getting the most significant benefits from the study: value for money, taxation bracket, and sales process. The cost segregation study is a beneficial way of saving on the taxes in the shorter run and distributing to the taxes in the longer run. A building owner can apply for the study and get a part of the commercial building reclassified as a non-commercial or non-productive one. However, for newer properties, the cost segregation tax benefits are immense. Many building owners opt for this process to save on the taxes in a short while.
Cost Segregation Studies: How to Avoid Common Mistakes

This article gives you information on cost segregation studies and how to avoid mistakes that can take away a chunk of our savings. Paying taxes is not desirable for any company. After all, it takes away a significant amount of our earnings. The cost segregation option is one of the most sought-after for real-estate owners. It is a study that allows the owners of multiple people in the family and commercial property to make the best use of the shorter depreciable lives. This speeds up their depreciation expenses. The points to take into account are ‘Duration of the property to be owned,’ ‘Tax bracket,’ ‘Recapture,’ ‘Older properties,’ ‘Alternative minimum tax.’ A cost seg company can help someone with a better understanding.
Could a Cost Segregation Study Save Your Company Taxes?

How To Realize Tax Benefits With Cost Segregation?