As engineers, we assist CPAs, Tax Professionals and their clients.

Marketing from a Newbies Perspective

I recently transitioned into a position that required marketing a new service offered by our company. I did not know much about marketing, but I knew my capabilities. I knew I would go above and beyond to accomplish tasks that I was given. I possessed several traits that I thought would be an asset in the marketing world. I am detail oriented, determined and simply enjoy interacting and connecting with people. Although I felt like a fish out of water, I was excited and optimistic to embark on a new journey. 

The first step become in my marketing position was to knowledgeable in the services being promoted. I obtained this by meeting with the project manager, did independent research online, and engaged with other professionals. The second step was the evaluation of previous and current marketing efforts. I needed to know highlights and pitfalls from previously implemented efforts. From that I could develop a plan to improve upon marketing avenues that worked and to ensure past mistakes were not repeated. I then researched who the ideal client would be and the best way to connect to those individuals. After many hours of networking, research, and preparation, a collaborated marketing plan was set. It was my responsibility to implement the steps laid out in the plan, and that is when I faced my biggest challenges.

Once I began contacting potential clients, I was faced with many rejections. I had to realize that if a person or company was not interested, either they felt they could not utilize our services right now or my message did not have the impact it could. I had to press on, reach out to new prospects and continue improving my message. I considered revising the whole marketing plan when I was not meeting the expectations I set at the beginning of the campaign. Instead I worked on being patient. 

What I am learning is that marketing efforts are continuous, tedious and unpredictable. I realized that while it is great to be optimistic, it is equally important to set realistic and achievable goals. I must be flexible in my approach and continue to learn what will work best. This fish out of water grew legs and ran with it.


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