The cost segregation procedure helps a company increase its short-term cash flow. This method involves deferring the company’s tax liability in favor of depreciation on major assets. Usually, if you have a recently constructed facility, it will require cost seg services.
Lindon Engineering Services has carried out these services for a long time. They first determine which assets need to be reclassified based on their function. The main objective of these services is to detect assets that can be categorized as personal property, which can be subjected to depreciation. After that, the professionals assign the reallocated assets a cost by using engineering estimating methods. They also use the owner’s cost records. In the last step, they calculate the appropriate depreciable life. In this way, the company can get an increased cash flow.
Professionals at Lindon Engineering perform cost seg services on different businesses, such as manufacturing facilities, retail outlets, surgical centers, dental clinics, etc. Our professionals are easy to work with and can help you according to your needs. Contact us today to book our service.
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