As engineers, we assist CPAs, Tax Professionals and their clients.

Cost Segregation Analysis: How does it benefit the Real-Estate Industry?

As the real estate market shows gradual signs of improvement, investors and builders are becoming more concerned with maximizing return on investment for commercial real estate initiatives. Speeding up depreciation deductions through cost segregation analysis is one of the best ways to maximize the after-tax cash flow. Property types like manufacturing and industrial plants, financial institutions, office buildings, restaurants and hotels, automobile dealerships, etc., are eligible to benefit from this analysis. In this article, various benefits of cost segregation analysis for the real estate sector are discussed. We have also answered some of the frequently asked customer questions regarding cost segregation. Please stick with us till the end to understand how the analysis will be beneficial for you with respect to your property.

Location: 350 Missouri Ave #201, Jeffersonville, IN 47130, USA


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